Stream your Sonos music high end!
This concerns only the modification, Sonos Connect not included
The ease of use of the Sonos is unsurpassed, however, there is room for sonic improvements. Through this modification your Sonos Connect (or ZP90) will be transformed into a high-end streamer!
The ULTIMO upgrade is described as improving musicality, tranquility, spaciousness and detailing. The characteristic “ragged” (digital) noise, which is caused by jitter, is history after upgrading. The sound is smooth and relaxed, one would completely forget that this is a digital source!
Purchase a complete Sonos Connect Ultimo you receive automatically 2 years full warranty!
The Magna modification replaces the current “inaccurate” clock oscillator for a highly accurate clock. In many high-end equipment a lot of attention is put into this, and not without reason! Also the power supply is upgraded. It is a switching power supply with all its adverse consequences. The switching frequency can be measured even in the digital audio field of Sonos without much difficulty. This is what we eliminate, increasing the performance in terms of sound. The new, high-precision clock oscillator will have a separate power branch with a very pure DC to have the clock perform at its very best. Finally, the SPDIF output is re-clocked and buffered to get rid it of the last jitter.
- Modification is executed on Coax SPDIF output, the optical output (TOS Link) is being ‘disabled’ (can be re-enabled as an option, see options)
- Original digital SPDIF signal is internally “re-clocked” and buffered to eliminate any remaining jitter.
- Standard (poor) SPDIF RCA chassis part is replaced with new gold plated connector.
- The Oscillator module is powered by separate power branch including special (ultra wide band) power regulator for optimized operation and precision of the Tentlabs oscillator
- New extreme accurate Ultra Low Jitter Tentlabs Clock module replaces standard Sonos Oscillator.
- Modification is available for your Sonos Connect of Sonos ZP90
- Improving the integrated 12V en 3,3V power rails for maximum performance. Using high grade Panasonic FC en Wima MKT capacitors result in low voltage rinkle for improved derived power branches.
- The Ultimo is equipped with special “audio-grade” power caps for both 12V and 3,3V power rail.
Best “Audio-grade” capacitors available in your Sonos Connect
- Electromagnetic shielding from the transformer and coil of the switching power supply to preventinterferences in thedigital audio-signal.
- Tentlabs clock output level correction to match clock input of theCirrus DAC chip.
- White LED is replaced by a blue, to identify it as ‘Ultimo’.
- NEW Possibility to support the party-modus when using multiple Sonos devices when playing in group mode.
- BNC connector instead of RCA (cinch)
- Modified Toslink output, equals the Coaxiale SPDIF modification. Toslink is optional, when purcahsed optional Toslink both digital outputs Coaxial and Toslink will be active.
Hans Beekhuzyen reviewed the Sonos Connect Ultimo, you can find it here.
Bert Oling review ( please here to read. (Only in Dutch)
HTForum discussions
See HTForum and AudioFreaks forum for more information aboutMagna modificatie / upgrade.
- HTForum
- HTForum
- AudioFreaks
- AudioFreaks
- Factory warranty will void, when Magna Upgrade is installed. Magna Hifi provides 2 years full warranty on the Sonos Connect ULITMO
- Modification does not affect the software or functional behaviour of the Sonos Connect (ZP90). Future software upgrades can be loaded without any problems.
Nicolas HOUPERT (proprietario verificato) –
yes in 2022, I ‘ve upgraded my old Sonons Connect from 2013.
Because I ‘m looking for a small streamer with a strong software and for reasonable price.
Many solutions are good but with poor software and many bugs.
Sonos is working perfectly all the time, has physical boutons for volume and play & pause….and that’s the key
The Upgrade ? ….Wow…. Even without Hi-Res… it is gorgeous.
Real ‘analogic’ sound, quiet, large sound stage, very balanced everywhere.
A huge difference compared to the standard Connect.
You have to ship your Sonos with tracking# and it’s coming back also with tracking#.
It takes few days for this upgrade, and communication is fast and good.
I would recommand this upgrade for those who are still looking for the perfect streamer….