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ZP Productions -Erster Blick 2: Holo Audio Cyan 2 Erster Eindruck
Trift Shops Test: Holo Audio Cyan 2 – Der beste DAC, den ich bisher gehört habe
ZReviews – Lasst uns (schon wieder) über DACs schimpfen
ConvinceMeAudio – Holo May KTE, sind Ihre Tage gezählt?
HoloAudio Cyan 2 DAC BEWERTUNG
Neuer Rekordtag – wer BRAUCHT den Mai Dac, wenn wir DAS haben können?!
iiWi Bewertungen – Ist Holo Audio Cyan 2 wirklich so gut?
Das neueste HoloAudio-Angebot ist der Cyan 2 DAC. Wir sind ziemlich stolz auf den Cyan 2 und sind zuversichtlich zu sagen, dass wir glauben, dass Sie ihn auch sehr beeindruckend finden werden. Es handelt sich um einen echten symmetrischen diskreten Widerstands-Ladder-DAC mit PCM- und DSD-Unterstützung, der auf einer kleineren Stellfläche untergebracht ist. Der Cyan 2 verfügt über mehrere „Trickle-Down“-Technologien von seinen größeren Brüdern und wir freuen uns, dieses Produkt zu einem günstigeren Preis vorstellen zu können.
Cyan 2 „青2“, Ein DAC der neuen Generation eines vollständig diskreten Widerstandsnetzwerks (allgemein bekannt als R2R). Im Vergleich zu seinem Vorgänger Cyan „青“ weist der Cyan 2 „青2“ folgende Verbesserungen auf:
• Ausgestattet mit R2R-Netzwerk und Vektor-Schrittwiderstands-Netzwerk gleichzeitig. Das R2R-Netzwerk wird für die primäre Digital-Analog-Wandlung des PCM-Stroms verwendet, und das Vektor-Stufenwiderstands-Netzwerk wird für die primäre Digital-Analog-Wandlung des DSD-Stroms verwendet.
• Die neue Generation der De-Glitch-Technologie kann eine De-Glitch-Technologie mit voller Amplitude bieten, ohne das Grundrauschen und andere nachteilige Auswirkungen zu erhöhen.
• Basierend auf dieser neuen Technologiegeneration kann Cyan 2 „青2“ einen SINAD-Dynamikbereich von 106 dB und >einen Dynamikbereich von 127 dB bieten>.
• USB unterstützt Abtastraten bis zu DSD1024 und PCM 1,536M.
• Die USB-Schnittstelle verwendet proprietäre Firmware mit extrem niedriger Latenz, einer äußerst zuverlässigen Datenübertragung und idealen USB-Augenmustermessungen, die zu einer 2-4-mal höheren Leistung als die offizielle Firmware beitragen.
DAC-Typ | R2R (Diskrete Leiter) |
Modell | Cyan2 |
Digital input | |
KOAXIAL, OPTISCH, AES | PCM 44.1-192K (24bit) |
DSD 64X (DOP) | |
USB (galvanisch getrennt) | PCM 44.1-1.536M (32bit) |
DSD 64-512X (DOP) | |
DSD 64-1024X (nativ) | |
I2S (HDMI) | PCM 44.1-1.536M (32bit) |
DSD 64-1024X | |
Automatische Eingangsauswahl | LED-Kontrollleuchten für jeden Sample-Rate-Typ sowie für die Eingangsauswahl. |
Analog Output | |
Beide Otuputs können gleichzeitig verwendet werden | |
PCM 48K NOS | THD+N 0,0005 % @1K (-106 dB) |
DNR -127dB | |
Spannungsausgang 2,5 Veff (RCA), 5,0 Veff (XLR) | |
DSD 128X | THD+N 0,0002 % @1K (-114 dB) |
DNR -115dB | |
Spannungsausgang 1,25 Veff (RCA), 2,50 Veff (XLR) | |
Physical Characteristics | |
Abmessungen (Fahrgestell) | 300x200x48mm / 11,8″ x 7,9″ x 1,9″ (BxLxH Abmessungen ohne hervorstehende Teile) |
Gewicht | 3,5 kg / 7,72 Pfund |
Power Specifications | |
Leistungsaufnahme (konfigurierbar) | 220-230V 50/60Hz – Spezifikation der Sicherung: 2A SB 5x20mm |
110-115V 50/60Hz – Sicherungsspezifikation: 4A SB 5x20mm | |
Leistungsaufnahme | 20W |
Accessories | |
Weitere enthaltene Artikel | Netzkabel (EU / UK) x1 |
USB-Kabel x1 | |
Keine Fernbedienung verfügbar |
Hinweis: i2s ist NICHT dasselbe wie HDMI Audio/Video. Schließen Sie NIEMALS HDMI-Geräte an die i2s-Produkte wie HoloAudio Cyan2 an. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es i2s- oder IIS-kompatibel mit einer kompatiblen Pin-Out-Konfiguration ist.
Hinweis: Die i2s-Pinbelegung entspricht der HoloAudio-Spezifikation. Ähnlich wie bei PSaudio wird jedoch der linke und rechte Kanal für DSD-Inhalte vertauscht.
Hinweis: I2S ist nicht Hot-Swap-fähig, daher sollten Sie I2S-Kabel niemals ein- oder ausstecken, wenn die Geräte eingeschaltet sind. Schalten Sie immer beide Geräte aus, bevor Sie das Kabel ein- und ausstecken. Und die ideale Länge für das i2s-HDMI-Kabel beträgt ca. 0,3-0,6 m oder die übliche Größe beträgt 0,5 m. Im Allgemeinen sind die Flachdrahtkabel für i2s-Protokollanwendungen besser geeignet als Runddrahtkabel.
DSD nativ unterstützt
HoloAudio is the world’s first to support DSD natively on Resistor Ladder DAC, so far the only one. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um die DSD, die vor dem Digital-Analog-Wandler in PCM umgewandelt wurde, sondern direkt durch die diskreten Komponenten des DSD-Digital-Analog-Wandlers. Wird derzeit unter MAC (DOP) und Linux (DOP) und Windows/PC (Direct Native und DOP) unterstützt. Please note, the word ‘R2R’ is the name of a kind of architecture of resistor ladders. This architecture requires less resistors yet still is capable to deliver more than acceptable performance. Most DACs in the industry use this architecture. The DSD module of Spring3 does not use R2R architecture for the DSD, more specifically it uses a very specific architecture which is optimized to perform DSD to analog. So to be entirely accurate the DSD part of Spring is using resistor ladders, not R2R..
John (Verifizierter Käufer) –
I am incredibly pleased with the 2 items (Cyan2 and Mano ULTRA mk3.5) performance. It came as a shock that such a fundamental change to the sound and music could be created by the 2 components. Certainly all the “hi-fi” bases are covered superbly, but the change to a system producing music that engrosses and is utterly involving is magical and exciting. I cannot separate out the contribution from each part as I swapped over streamer/DAC at same time -but I would hazard a guess that the Holo Cyan type of architecture is the foundation-the palpable sense of an instrument and location and how it is played all at same time is breathtaking. My guess is that my ears and possibly speakers were very sensitive to the artefacts that chip style converters induced. I won’t mention all the changes-but for me it is violin reproduction that knocks me out-in past there was always a very unpleasant glassy haze sound detached from the sound of the instrument but overlayed-now that is gone and I get the sense of the pitch of the note with purity, plus sonority from the body of the instrument .
martin (Verifizierter Käufer) –
good service and the cyan 2 is just a beast…….get it before it is too late….
Hermann (Verifizierter Käufer) –
This little DAC is incredible. In combination with the Red, it is indistinguishable from the Gustard X30 monster when both are served by Roon over network! You’ll have to upsample at the source to match the cleanliness of the X30, though. I don’t fancy the Cyan with original low sample frequencies. Once upsampled to 705.6 or more, then precision, speed, space, and resolution are all there in abundance.
Can’t say anything about the USB qualities. I don’t care about that anymore.
It will sound a little crispy the first day.
Bert Wiggerman (Verifizierter Käufer) –
Twee weken terug aandachtig met Rob bij MagnaHifi geluisterd naar de Holo Cyan2 DAC in combinatie met met eigen Ifi Neostreamer en later met de nieuwste Mano Ultra MK3.5 streamer. Wat een fantastische en extreem goede DAC is de Cyan2 voor het geld.! Op de Ifi Neostreamer ging het direct al heel fraai en na gewisseld te hebben naar de nieuwe Mano-Ultra MK3.5 was het wederom een grote stap voorwaarts, whauw🎼 . De keuze voor de Holo Audio Cyan 2 DAC was dan ook snel gemaakt en werd keurig binnen 3 dagen goedverpakt thuis bezorgt.
Thuis aangesloten op mijn Ifi Neostreamer via Een Wireworld Silverspere I2s kabel de Holo Cyan2 in, klonk het al direct heel erg goed in de set.
Nu twee weken verder en na de upgrade naar een veel betere audio- fuse werd het alleen nog maar beter.
Erg fraai gedetailleerd, ruimtelijk, helder en open van sound maar never never enige hardheid in het geluid te bespeuren en met tevens een prachtig vol en strak in balans zijnde laagweergave is het volop genieten.
Nu nog maar even doorsparen voor de Mano Ultra MK 3.5 want die combinatie zal het moeten gaan worden op de Holo Audio Cyan 2.
Rob erg bedankt nog voor de gastvrijheid en lekkere koffie ( met taartje) en tot hopelijk snel.
Groeten van een supertevreden nieuwe klant.
Nikolay (Verifizierter Käufer) –
Do not want to be too talkative with mailing often but cannot hold myself: ‚Supreme dac‘:
– very detailed but not intrusive;
– supreme timber and naturalism;
– enormous soundstage – height, width, depth;
– great balance of replay.
Bran (Verifizierter Käufer) –
I’ve been yearning for a Holo Audio May Dac ever since it came out. Its price is a little hard for me to justify though, despite having been in love with R2R DACs for at least the past ten years and having been served very well by my Audio-gd R7 DAC for the past four. Sometime later, the Cyan 2 was released and I sat on my hands, confident that my R7 was better and that getting a Cyan 2 would at worst be a downgrade and at best be a sidegrade. Here I am, curiousity finally having gotten the better of myself and trigger pulled to find out.
And my first listening impressions tell me that it’s an upgrade. At half the price of the Audio-gd R7, to boot. (Granted, it’s not an apples to apples comparison due to the actual NOS operation of the Cyan 2 vs the simulated NOS mode of the R7.) Both have that organic and analog sounding trait of great R2R DACs, both render details exceptionally well despite operating in NOS, both present a wide soundstage where instruments are easily placed/pointed at and both exhibit high clarity and transparency. (Some care went into my PC USB setup – eg, dedicated PC for Tidal streaming, a Matrix Audio USB Card and external USB PSU, up-to-spec Supra USB cable, etc, etc).
What sets the Cyan 2 apart is the sense of palpable presence; that I’m no longer listening to a recording and that the singer actually exists between my two speakers (a pair of Purifi-6R standmounts powered by an Audio-gd Master 9 preamp and A1 power amp). Its soundstage is also deeper, with a better defined sense of instruments positioned to the front, middle or back of the soundstage. There’s also a sense of higher clarity and what must be a better reproduction of timing.
Having lived with my R7 for so long, the improvements brought by the Cyan 2 were immediately apparent. The hype was right, the Cyan 2 is the real deal. Maybe I’ll sell all the other DACs in my possession and put the money towards a May DAC. In the meantime, I will be thoroughly enjoying the Cyan 2.
Mark –
Not only a very good product but also perfect service. After a problem occurred I called Rob and he managed to repair it the same day while I was waiting for it. Super service. Thnx Rob.
Mark –
Not online a very good product but also perfect service. After a problem occurred I called Rob and he managed to repair it the same day while I was waiting for it. Super service. Thnx Rob.
John (Verifizierter Käufer) –
I am really very pleased with the improvement it brings straight out of the box – eye opening change.
A delighted customer
Marko (Verifizierter Käufer) –
I have made my first “critical listening” and I have to say, that I am impressed. This DAC is another level compared to the internal DAC of Eversolo!
Especially the depth of the sound stage is impressive, with layers. I can feel the reverb of the space, the vibration of the instruments (wood of violins, cellos, drums…). Like I am standing next to the instrument and feel it.
And also what bothered my ears with Eversolo internal DAC after an hour of listening, disappeared.
Radoslav Ivanov (Verifizierter Käufer) –
Exceptional thing. I have ifi zen signature v2 and hegel 190… This is entirely different category, even without 250 hours of warm up. The decay notes and the absolute bass control and sounding musical…It has everything a non top end audiophile dream of. It has enaugh energy not to get you tired for hours, but keep you stuck on the speakers. I love it!
Andre (Verifizierter Käufer) –
Ich habe den Cyan2 seit einigen Monaten in meiner Anlage laufen (McIntosh MA12000, Monitor Audio PL500II, Hifi Rose RS250). Gerade wenn man dem CyanII hochgerechnete Signale zuspielt, scheint er akustisch ganz hervorragend. Sehr räumlich in allen Dimensionen, Grobdynamisch, wenn gefordert, genauso auf Mikrodetailebene unterwegs. Nicht so gnadenlos auflösend wie meine AKM oder ESS DAC´s, aber man bekommt die selben Informationen vermittelt. Langzeittauglich und dennoch super involvierend. Bin begeistert und träume jetzt vom May KTE ;-). Lieferung und Support von Magna 1A !!
Alexander (Verifizierter Käufer) –
I am very satisfied with the improvement in sound quality. The BS Node is not the best streamer, but the combination via USB provides a significant improvement, exactly what I was hoping for. With a better streamer, I can get even more out of the Cyan 2.
The improvements:
* The sounds have become more natural, precise, with significantly more detail, and are more separated in space. I now listen more to instruments rather than just sounds.
* The bass is much more controlled and detailed.
* Significantly more spatial presentation and a ‚lighter‘ presentation.
Rene (Verifizierter Käufer) –
Ik heb deze mooie Cyan2 dac gekocht als upgrade voor mijn PS Audio DSD nuwave dac. Na het aansluiten op mijn Holo Red en via chinch op de installatie. Mijn installatie wordt van muziek voorzien vanuit een NUC waarop Roon draait. In roon aangegeven dat de RED het endpoint is en alles werd automatisch zo optimaal mogelijk ingesteld, wel headroombeheer op -3 db gezet en DSP uit. Bij de eerste noten viel meteen op dat dit een echte upgrade is, echter na 3 dagen constant laten spelen nog veel meer verbetering. Het geluidsbeeld is ruimtelijk, vol details en micro details, straalt rust uit de de achtergrond is zwart. Ook mijn hoofdtelefoon versterker aangesloten via XLR ook hier een erg grote verbetering hoorbaar.
Lewis (Verifizierter Käufer) –
I have now bought the cyan2 and it has been playing here since last Saturday afternoon. Fast delivery !
After about 15 minutes I realized that this is completely different from a Node 2i … more of everything and better, while it also sounds pleasant and real, cold out of the box. Now that I have been playing for more than a few days, I have the feeling that the sound has become even more „balanced“. Whether things will improve even more remains to be seen. If it stays like this it will be more than enough….
Robert (Verifizierter Käufer) –
Just wanted to say thank you again, the CYAN 2 has arrived and what can I say, it’s amazing!!!!
Better than the SMSL VMV D2R, which was really hard to top…
Gheorghe Maria (Verifizierter Käufer) –
I started to follow reviews about R2R DAC, I knew about this principle from recent years, I knew that the proof and prices are performant, as an aside, DACs with SIGMA-DELTA, have unbeatable and affordable technical characteristics for the consumption of the common man, but in my opinion, here I am subjective, it does not sound as I want, the ROHM MUS-IC BD34301EKV32 Bit Stereo chip in my DAC SMSL D300 really does it, But my ears, my brain wants perfection. I’ve been watching HOLO Audio May, HOLO Audio Spring 3 for a while, I damn like how they are executed, the Trick principle used to encode and decode, Yes, I would need that, but my financial possibilities are exceeded. I saw in passing Holo Audio Cyan 2, acceptable as price for me, at the moment I went over it quite easily, it seemed too simplistic, I was one click away to order a Gustard R26 from a French site where I have an account. Chance, or curiosity makes me watch on Youtube a video Holo Audio Cyan 2, presented by Mr. Hans Beekhuyzen, a reliable engineer, for whom I have every respect. I saw how it is executed inside, I saw what technical characteristics it presents, I followed with interest the opinion of a specialist and YES! My light bulbs went on, my 6th sense that works for me, gave me the urge to order it, that he is solving my claims with Analog music and I was not wrong, the second choice of DAC, very, very inspired! I let it wear and I can tell you without fail, that it is the perfect choice, I really hear Analog music, UPS! :) . On PCM music files, compared to SMSL D300, it’s a bit higher, bass with more depth, just as soft, soft, pleasant. The voice seems a little bit forward, but with a more holographic presence, with more texture. Highs sound beautiful, clear, crystal sound, it was expected, my flair did not deceive me. The big surprise came when listening to DSD64, DSD128, DSD256 files. I used the „Audiophile Hi-RES System Test-DSD128 “ album for comparison. A deep, deep, powerful but soft bass at the same time. A perfect spatial separation, you close your eyes and feel the position of the musical instruments. You feel your voice in front of you, you feel every sound, every movement, you feel how space fills up, how music pours throughout the room, giving the feeling of holographic music. Here I can say that it has exceeded very, very much the possibilities of SMSL D300. I pulled myself out, completed the realization of the system as I wanted. Holo Audio Cyan 2 receives signal via USB and I connected it via XLR to SMSL H300 AMP-PRE. The Coaxial input receives signal from GEERFAB D.BOB when listening to SACD CD, or watching a Blue-ray show on Smart TV. Holo Audio Cyan 2 is a success of Holo Audio, an excellent price/quality ratio. It looks good, simple but with some enviable performance. The switch is done automatically when it senses signal on one of the inputs. The priority is the USB input, for those who use multiple inputs, the inputs that are not used at that time must be disabled. Now I want to say a few words about the Magna Hifi team. A team of specialists in the field, with a pleasant practice in communication, honest and with a lot of expertise in this field. I highly recommend purchases from this Magna Hifi online store.
Michael (Verifizierter Käufer) –
I hesitated for a long time before making a decision. I already had a DMP-A6 and wondered what a Cyan2 could improve upon. Jos advised giving it a try. From the first notes, it’s already clear: how much more beautiful can it sound? Much more beautiful! I’m super happy with it. Beautifully minimalist in design, and as Jos said: No unnecessary features, just pure sound quality!
Gerd (Verifizierter Käufer) –
Great machine – great service – I like it and that’s what counts to me.
Downside: Output are high and therefore some trouble with attenuation, but manageable LED’s a bit too bright for my liking
Chris –
The DAC arrived some days ago . First parcel/outside box was a bit banged up but all is hooked up now and runs flawlessly. I must say first impressions trump my expectations/hopes by „quite a margin“!
John (Verifizierter Käufer) –
Exceptionally balanced and steadfast across all frequencies; impeccable discernment among diverse sounds and musical styles; I adore the effortless switching capability, facilitated by USB streaming and TV via Toslink connection. Magna Hifi delivers top-notch service!
Knut –
I am really blown away by the Cyan 2 details and clarity even when I come from the similar priced Soekris 2541 R2R DAC
Milosz (Verifizierter Käufer) –
I have the Cyan 2 for several weeks – it’s nice sounding dac I’m enjoying it.
Daniel B (Verifizierter Käufer) –
High resolving DAC for the fraction of the price! This DAC preforms almost like an true endgame DAC. The body of the sound this dac makes is verry rich in detail and accurate. Spacial presentation is really good and if you use DSD the soundstage becomes even bigger and you get even more detail retrieval! You won’t be needing any replacement for the coming years if you buy this DAC. Oversampling is really good on this DAC.
Its also compatible with ASIO driver from holoaudio. Im verry impressed with th sound of the DAC.